PRPAC Phone: 301-933-4641

Tunnel Vision
The Paul Ruskin Public Awareness Campaign

Welcome August 29, 2002

Every one assumes that I am dead, after seeing the sign and the somber man week after week, year after year. But in the words of Billy Crystal, “I was only mostly dead!”

My tumor did its damage, and I have spent the last nine years readjusting my life so that the losses are not that apparent. I must admit that I have my periods of sorrow for what is gone, but am so overwhelmingly grateful to just be alive that they quickly pass.

We each have our ways of adjusting. After many long discussions, trying to make sense of it all , my husband and I decided that our obligation was to inform as many people as possible, urging them to question their health care options, to demand what is necessary and to be ever vigilant for your life.

Many people have wanted this Web Site, and so we are beginning. How it grows and evolves will be up to us all. Love one another and take good care, treasuring the moment, as we have learned it is all that we have for sure. God bless, Jill.

Greeting from Paul Ruskin

Thank you for taking the time to look at our website.

I began picketing Kaiser Permanente in Kensington, Maryland on September 15, 1995. The sign I carry these days is the third, but the message has always been exactly this:


Thousands of people have asked questions about this somewhat shocking statement; But so often my reply is cut short by the changing of a traffic signal on Connecticut Avenue.

Some people have called us at home, which I have actually encouraged. But I suspect that perhaps the reason more people have not done so is their discomfort about money; namely, that I'll ask them to contribute some!

So I think our first order of business on the website should be the following statement:

( slave labor, yes )

By far, the most-asked question goes something like " Is your wife still alive?" Having read this far, you know the happy answer to that one! This is often preceded or followed by "What happened to her?" (Note: Jill died later of unrelated causes on November 30, 2011.)

Before I present that history, let me clarify something about my wife's name. Her full name is Diana Jill (Schilling) Ruskin. Her medical records read Diana, but she has always preferred Jill. About the Schilling……. Is she related to the famous baseball pitcher? Yes, a distant cousin, according to her mother. But that's another story.

Here, then, is what happened

  • In the autumn of 1987, Jill, who was then a member of Kaiser, underwent an eye exam for a new pair of glasses. This exam took place at United Optical in Rockville, Maryland. It was discovered that she had elevated intraocular pressure. It was recommended that she see an ophthalmologist.

  • On November 5, 1987 Jill was examined by Dr. Judith Gadol (#585) at the Kensington, Maryland Kaiser Center. Dr. Gadol drew a question mark in the medical record. Dr. Gadol did not do a visual field exam, nor did she order a CAT Scan.

  • On March 7, 1988, Jill was again examined by Dr. Gadol who, again, did not do a visual field exam or order a CAT Scan.

  • On March 22, 1988, Jill was given a visual field exam by a Kaiser technician, at the same center, upon Dr. Gadol's orders. Dr. Gadol did not order a CAT Scan.

  • On July 14, 1988, Jill was given another visual field exam, as above. Dr. Gadol did not order a CAT Scan.

  • On August 19, 1988, Jill was examined by Dr. Gadol, who told Jill that she had glaucoma. Dr. Gadol did not order a CAT Scan.

  • On November 3, 1988 Jill was examined by Dr. Gadol. Dr.Gadol did not order a CAT Scan.

  • On February 3, 1989, Jill was examined by Dr. Gadol. Dr. Gadol did not order a CAT Scan.

  • On April 12, 1989 Jill was examined by Dr. Gadol. Dr. Gadol did not order a CAT Scan.

  • On June 6, 1989, Jill was given another visual field exam. Dr. Gadol did not order a CAT Scan.

  • On October 6, 1989 Jill was examined by Dr. Gadol. Dr. Gadol did not order a CAT Scan.

  • On February 5, 1990 Jill was examined by Dr.Gadol. Dr. Gadol did not order a CAT Scan.

  • On August 10, 1990 Jill was examined by Dr. Gadol. Dr. Gadol did not order a CAT Scan.

  • On September 11, 1990, Jill was given another visual field exam. Dr. Gadol did not order a CAT Scan.

  • On November 2, 1990 Jill was examined by Dr. Gadol at which time Jill reported a new symptom of "colored spots" which is evidenced in the record. This prompted a very brief discussion of severe headaches, but nothing is noted in the record. Dr. Gadol did not order a CAT Scan.

  • On April 12, 1991, Jill was examined by Dr. Gadol. Dr. Gadol did not order a CAT Scan.

  • On July 29, 1991, Jill was examined by Dr. Gadol. Dr. Gadol did not order a CAT Scan.

  • On November 7, 1991, Jill was given another visual field exam. She was also examined by Dr. Gadol. Dr. Gadol drew another question mark in the record, and her notes clearly indicate uncertainty, yet she did not order a CAT Scan.

  • Jill changed health care providers on January 1, 1992; she joined Capital Care. She had to wait eleven months for coverage of her pre-existing eye problems.

  • Jill's new ophthalmologist, Dr.Joel Engelstein, did not see the nerve damage associated with glaucoma. He said Mrs. Ruskin did not have glaucoma, nor had she ever had it. He ordered a single CAT Scan,which was done on April 22, 1993. This revealed a meningioma in the back of her head "about the size of a peach."

  • The tumor was surgically excised by craniotomy on June 28, 1993, by Dr. Frederic Schwartz.

  • Two final observations: Jill's reported symptom of frequent, severe headaches was not noted at any time by Dr. Gadol. Jill's only treatment throughout this ordeal? Eye drops.

More to come - Please see us again